Tuesday, June 22, 2010

make time for everything

I often hear people mention how busy they are - flat out - not with jubilation in the voice but as if they are carrying a heavy burden; or it's "How are you, keeping busy?" In 1965 experts predicted that in 20 years we'd all be working a 22-hour week and be retired by 40 because computers would take on most of the work - contrast that concept with the recent discussion at TedX in Sydney on the ongoing battle of work-life balance.

Up until 2007 this was a way of life I also subscribed to. Not only did I work full-time in a stressful role that was not really me, but then I threw myself into extra-currcicular opportunities that arose and started a business - it came to the point where i felt like - everyone wants a piece of me and I have nothing left!

It was only after having a time out in FNQ that I began to realise that this was not the journey I wanted to travel and that the quality of my life would be determined by the wise use of my time - a resource that cannot be replaced.

The tranquility of the paradise in which we lived (yes that was our home in FNQ we called it the LakeHouse) helped to mellow me out and begin to enjoy the peace and quiet of solitude - perhaps that's where i picked up my "cara calm".

It was certainly a rich blessing the time out that year and when I think that I struggled with leaving my "life" - I am glad that I just let go and trusted that all would be well - I was willing to lose my life and I ended up gaining more than I could ever imagine. I did work full-time in FNQ in private practice but the role was a lot less stressful and I discovered I enjoyed working with clients directly whilst still keeping up my advocacy skills. Our evenings were spent free of media - no phone or internet at home and @ weekends we took outings to see the natural beauty of surrounding areas.

There are many aspects of the way people of years gone by have lived their lives that I want to learn and benefit from - enjoying leisure time with family & friends, good home-cooking, gardening, living within your means not on credit and being satisfied with the simple things in life so as to be free of the consumer moshpit. I now work in a role that I really enjoy three days per week, am developing other businesses and income streams so as to create more time freedom, buy recycled goods and enjoy spending time with friends and family on a regular basis. We can create the life we want by our choices - be the change you want to see today!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

a dreaming shared

Time for an invigorating cup of green tea - we've just spent a beautiful weekend at the dreaming festival with friends - inspirational and awesome all round but the Kahawi Dance Theatre from Canada and Shelly Morris from the NT were my highlights. I went and saw Shelly twice and am in love with the message she brought and one of her songs and have started playing around with the song on my guitar.

I have been reflecting on the meaning of "inspiration", "inspire", "to be inspired" because I really want this blog to be a place where we can be "inspired" - I say we because I find as I write (and sometime when i speak) - unconscious thoughts crystallise into words that I learn from as I write - hmm that's a topic for another post.... We use this phrase all the time but how often do we truly "inspire" - what does it mean to you? - to me? here are some meanings i found in the dictionary - "to breathe in", "to breathe on", "to affect, guide, or arouse by divine influence" - don't we all long for this, not just once in awhile but regularly and deeply, fresh, clear life air - we are creative and created beings that live to create by the fusion of fire and passion within and in doing so reflect the creative passion of our creator...
...and we inspire one another by sharing the gems of wisdom and soul truths that we have mined from our own dreaming, let's connect with each other and share our lives - perhaps ask the question 'how can I be a person that inspires and encourages others?' - here's an idea to get you started - if you have a friend that inspires you drop them a little handrwritten card (it will show them you've taken some time out for them) - and let them know how much you appreciate their friendship and encouragement - I think I'll be dropping Shelly a card this week.....make this week wonderful!